This file is downloaded from Name: World Flipper Alternative Titles: ワールドフリッパー Year: 2019 Platforms: Android, iOS, Mobile Developed by: Cygames, Gamania Digital Entertainment, Kakao Games Published by: Citail, Cygames Description: When the great hero Light finds himself transformed into a tiny, helpless fluffy beast, he's forced to rely on a pair of teenagers to help him defeat the dark lord. This pinball/RPG hybrid has players take their battles to the pinball field instead of the battlefield. Parties of characters replace the normal pinball ball; players tap the screen to control the flipper, trying to aim to hit groups of enemies with their party leader to do damage. Alongside enemies, stages are filled with bumpers and other classic pinball gimmicks that careen the party around the screen, giving more chances to bump into enemies for damage; staying in the air for longer charges up the flippers, giving the player bonus attacks on their next shot. Players are also given limited opportunities to tilt the table in order to nudge their characters towards enemies, and over the course of battle each character builds up a meter for super attacks that can be used by swiping the screen. As with other RPGs, characters earn experience points in battle and level up over time. Players can customize their parties by choosing up to three main characters, paired with three additional support characters, and can equip each of their main characters with a weapon. Like in other gatcha/loot box games, players pay either in-game currency or real money in order to receive random characters. Published on site: 11th of September, 2024