This file is downloaded from Name: willow Alternative Titles: ウィロウ Touhou Kishinjou ~ Double Dealing Character. Year: 2013 Catalog Number: AK-004 Platforms: Windows Published by: AdamKadmon Description: Comiket 84 release. Arrangement by    カミヤシロ (1, 4, 5, 7, 8)    Wani [Sally, AdamKadmon] (2, 9)    RAT1959 (3)    nice_s (6) Vocals, Chorus by Tamari (1~7). Chorus on Tr.4 by カミヤシロ. Guitars on Tr.1, 4, 5, 7, 8 by カミヤシロ, Tr.2, 9 by NSY [Sally]. Guitar solo on Tr.2, 5, 9 by NSY [Sally]. Bass on Tr.2, 9 by Wani [Sally, AdamKadmon]. Bass on Tr.3 by buoy. Lyrics by    カミヤシロ (1, 4, 5, 7)    Wani [Sally, AdamKadmon] (2, 6)    RAT1959 (3) Jacket Illustration by Hiro Usuda [The Revolt of The TirnAill]. Track origins (All from Touhou Kishinjou ~ Double Dealing Character.): 1, 8. Mermaid from the Uncharted Land 2, 9. Dullahan Under the Willows 3. Mist Lake 4. Humans and Youkai Coming and Going at the Canal 5. Bamboo Forest of the Full Moon 6. Mysterious Purification Rod 7. Lonesome Werewolf Published on site: 10th of August, 2024