This file is downloaded from Name: Touhou Gensoukyou UROBOROS3 ~Toaru Mahou to Gensou no Mugen Rasen~ Alternative Titles: 東方幻奏響UROBOROS参~とある魔法と幻想の無限螺旋~ Touhou Gensokyo ~ Lotus Land Story. Touhou Yumejikuu ~ Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream. Touhou Kaikidan ~ Mystic Square. Touhou Koumakyou ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. Touhou Youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom. Touhou Suimusou ~ Immaterial and Missing Power. Touhou Eiyashou ~ Imperishable Night. Touhou Kaeidzuka ~ Phantasmagoria of Flower View. Touhou Fuujinroku ~ Mountain of Faith. Touhou Chireiden ~ Subterranean Animism. Touhou Seirensen ~ Undefined Fantastic Object. Touhou Shinreibyou ~ Ten Desires. Syu-so-gyoku Year: 2015 Catalog Number: TORA-00141 Platforms: PC-98, Windows Published by: TORANOANA Description: Reitaisai 12 release. 1-01. Touhou Gensokyo / Vessel of Stars ~ Casket of Star Circle: Butaotome / Arrangement, Lyrics: Comp / Vocals: Ranko 1-02. Touhou Fuujinroku / Native Faith Circle: DiGiTAL WiNG / Arrangement: Snow shoveling / Vocals, Lyrics: peЯoco. 1-03. Touhou Eiyashou / Cinderella Cage ~ Kagome-Kagome Circle: Minstrel / Arrangement, Lyrics, Guitar: yuta / Vocals: LIQU@. 1-04. Touhou Eiyashou / Love-colored Master Spark Circle: Riverside / Arrangement, Guitar: Snowman / Vocals, Lyrics: Sara Matsumoto / Keyboard: Jun Miya 1-05. Touhou Gensokyo / Vessel of Stars ~ Casket of Star Circle: TAMAONSEN / Arrangement: Coro / Vocals, Lyrics: ytr 1-06. Touhou Chireiden / Heartfelt Fancy Circle: Shinigiwa Satellite / Arrangement: Ei☆seitarou / Vocals, Lyrics: Meramipop (Cosmopolitan) / Mixing: low (Register6) 1-07. Dolls in Pseudo Paradise / Circus Reverie Circle: RD-Sounds (Diao ye zong) / Arrangement, Lyrics: RD-Sounds / Vocals: Meramipop (Cosmopolitan) 1-08. Touhou Koumakyou / Tomboyish Girl in Love Circle: MISTY RAIN / Arrangement: Nagamon / Vocals: ℃iel (Comodone) / Lyrics: Bneko (Cat Walk) 1-09. Touhou Gensokyo / The Inevitably Forbidden Game Circle: MISTERY CIRCLE / Arrangement, Guitar: YOUKI / Vocals, Lyrics: Mizuki / Bass: NOISE 1-10. Touhou Kaeidzuka / White Flag of Usa Shrine Circle: forestpireo / Arrangement, Lyrics: Miraiha / Vocals: Misya 1-11. Touhou Kaeiduzka / Spring Lane ~ Colorful Path Circle: Pizuya's Cell / Arrangement: pizuya / Vocals, Lyrics: Futoumeido 1-12. Touhou Yumejikuu / Strawberry Crisis!! Circle: SWING HOLIC / Arrangement: Swing Holic Band / Vocals: A~YA / Lyrics: TETRA塾 1-13. Touhou Yumejikuu / Mystic Oriental Love Consultation         Shuusou Gyoku / Dichromatic Lotus Butterfly ~ Ancients Circle: IRON ATTACK! / Arrangement: IRON-CHINO / Vocals, Lyrics: minusiyon 1-14. Touhou Koumakyou / Septette for the Dead Princess Circle: Foxtail Grass Studio / Arrangement: hamu 2-01. Touhou Suimusou / Broken Moon         Touhou Chireiden / A Flower-Studded Sake Dish on Mt. Ooe, Walking the Streets of a Former Hell Circle: Sound CYCLONE / Arrangement, Lyrics, Guitar: ShavaDava / Vocals: witch to Yukaina Nakamatachi / Bass, Synthesizer: sou 2-02. Touhou Seirensen / UFO Romance in the Night Sky Circle: FELT / Arrangement: NAGI☆ / Vocals, Lyrics: Mika 2-03. Touhou Shinreibyou / Futatsuiwa from Sado Circle: Crest / Arrangement: JeetSingh / Vocals: Aya Hatori / Lyrics: 朧彦 2-04. Touhou Seirensen / Rural Makai City Esoteria Circle: R-Note / Arrangement: Ran-T, Yoshiha / Vocals: Yuki Fujimiya / Lyrics: Yoshiha 2-05. Touhou Eiyashou / Nostalgic Blood of the East ~ Old World, Plain Asia Circle: IOSYS / Arrangement: D.watt / Vocals: Ayu / Lyrics: Lettuce Shichijou 2-06. Touhou Shinreibyou / Old Yuanxian Circle: Silver Forest / Arrangement: Silver Forest / Vocals, Lyrics: Aki 2-07. Touhou Sangetsusei / Can't Sleep Because It's Nighttime Circle: Seventh-Heaven MAXION / Arrangement: kenya / Vocals: Yuri Nashimoto, Ai Ohsera / Lyrics: MAKI 2-08. Touhou Youyoumu / Sakura, Sakura ~ Japanize Dream... Circle: Halozy / Arrangement, Lyrics: sumijun / Vocals: Mashiro Minase (Amorevole) 2-09. Touhou Eiyashou / Nostalgic Blood of the East ~ Old World Circle: Saitama Saisyu Heiki / Arrangement: Saitama Saisyu Heiki 2-10. Neo-traditionalism of Japan / Izanagi Object Circle: AdamKadmon / Arrangement, Instruments, Lyrics: カミヤシロ / Vocals: Tamari / Mixing: NSY (Sally) / Support: Wani (Sally) 2-11. Touhou Seirensen / Emotional Skyscraper ~ Cosmic Mind Circle: CYTOKINE/ZYTOKINE / Arrangement, Lyrics: Linjin / Vocals: aki 2-12. Touhou Fuujinroku / Fall of Fall ~ Autumnal Waterfall Circle: Akatsuki Records / Arrangement, Lyrics: ACTRock / Vocals: Stack 2-13. Touhou Youyoumu / The Doll Maker of Bucuresti Circle: UNDEAD CORPORATION / Arrangement: Pine Tree / Vocals, Lyrics: sawacy / Lead Guitar: Tansan 2-14. Touhou Youyoumu / Sakura, Sakura ~ Japanize Dream... Circle: TAMUSIC / Arrangement, Violin, Piano: TAM 3-01. Touhou Kaeidzuka / Flowering Night         Touhou Koumakyou / The Maid and the Pocket Watch of Blood, Lunar Clock ~ Luna Dial Circle: Cordelia / Arrangement, Lyrics: PolyphonicBranch / Vocals: Hanatan 3-02. Touhou Youyoumu / Paradise ~ Deep Mountain Circle: niente / Arrangement, Lyrics: Nasuno / Vocals: mintea 3-03. Touhou Eiyashou / Nostalgic Blood of the East ~ Old World Circle: Rokugen Alice / Arrangement: Asuke Rokugen / Vocals, Lyrics: Anna Sakurai 3-04. Touhou Fuujinroku / The Youkai Mountain ~ Mysterious Mountain Circle: M.H.S (Mizonokuchi Hole Studio) / Arrangement, Lyrics, Guitar: Yuma Mizonokuchi / Vocals: Ai Ohsera (Innocent Key) 3-05. Touhou Koumakyou / The Centennial Festival for Magical Girls Circle: LiLA'c Records / Arrangement, Lyrics: Irus / Vocals: Koko (Innocent Key) 3-06. Touhou Shinreibyou / Futatsuiwa from Sado Circle: monochrome-coat / Arrangement, Instruments: Sepia / Vocals: Yuzuki / Lyrics: mono 3-07. Touhou Hisouten / Eastern Sky of Scarlet Perception Circle: SOUND HOLIC / Arrangement: 8STYLE / Vocals, Lyrics: Nana Takahashi 3-08. Touhou Eiyashou / Love-colored Master Spark Circle: CROW'SCLAW / Arrangement, Lyrics: Taka / Vocals: Futoumeido 3-09. Touhou Koumakyou / Shanghai Teahouse ~ Chinese Tea Circle: A-One / Arrangement: Yassie / Vocals: Takahito "Rute" Koshida / Lyrics: Rute / Guitar: NORI (M.I.W) 3-10. Touhou Chireiden / Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom ~ Nuclear Fusion Circle: White Elephant / Arrangement: Succubus / Vocals: yuko / Lyrics: 日陽ゆき 3-11. Touhou Fuujinroku / Faith is for the Transient People Circle: Register6 / Arrangement, Lyrics: low / Vocals: Kei (DHS) 3-12. Touhou Shinreibyou / Shoutoku Legend ~ True Administrator Circle: kairo / Arrangement, Lyrics, Bass: megane / Vocals: 556t / Guitar: ke / Drums: Maro 3-13. Touhou Shinreibyou / Desire Drive Circle: MOFUYA / Arrangement, Lyrics: Toranosuke / Vocals: shiro. 3-14. Touhou Fuujinroku / The Gensokyo the Gods Loved Circle: O-LIFE.JP (O-Life Japan) / Arrangement: MasamiT 4-01. Touhou Bunkachou / Wind God Girl Circle: C-CLAYS / Arrangement: K2 / Vocals: Mai Kotohge / Lyrics: W*M / Guitar: Koutetsu-Aniki 4-02. Touhou Eiyashou / Eternal Night Vignette ~ Eastern Night Circle: Poplica* / Arrangement: Poplica* / Vocals, Lyrics: Mei Ayakura / Guitar: Sassy (kimino-museum) 4-03. Touhou Eiyashou / Nostalgic Blood of the East ~ Old World Circle: Sally / Arrangement, Bass Programming: Wani / Guitar, Guitar Solo: RAT1959 (Jack) / Vocals, Lyrics: IZNA (Touhou Jihen) / Mixing: NSY 4-04. Touhou Eiyashou / Eternal Dream ~ Mystic Maple Circle: Crazy Berry / Arrangement: Yukki / Vocals, Lyrics: ichigo / Lyrics: TAKEGON 4-05. Touhou Koumakyou / A Soul as Red as a Ground Cherry, Apparitions Stalk the Night Circle: GET IN THE RING / Arrangement, Lyrics: GCHM / Vocals: Mie 4-06. Touhou Koumakyou / Crimson Tower ~ Eastern Dream... Circle: EastNewSound / Arrangement: Kirin / Vocals: Tsubaki Yuuzuki / Lyrics: Kaito 4-07. Touhou Youyoumu / Necrofantasia Circle: Republic of Mosaku Hattori / Arrangement, Lyrics, Guitar: Hatori Fuga / Vocals: Mizuho Yasuda 4-08. Touhou Kaikidan / the Grimoire of Alice, Romantic Children, Alice in Wonderland         Touhou Youyoumu / The Doll Maker of Bucuresti Circle: TUMENECO / Arrangement: tomoya / Vocals, Lyrics: yukina / Bass: h.tatuki 4-09. Touhou Kaeidzuka / Oriental Dark Flight, Spring Lane ~ Colorful Path Circle: Tennenjemini / Arrangement: Hiratake / Vocals: Chihiro Aihara, Yuuki Aihara / Lyrics: Chizuru 4-10. Touhou Eiyashou / Maiden's Capriccio ~ Dream Battle Circle: KRASTERII / Arrangement, Vocals, Lyrics: Atsushi Haneoka 4-11. Touhou Koumakyou / U.N. Owen was Her? Circle: ClearLeMel / Arrangement: GEKISEN SOUL / Vocals: Sakuya Kurosaki (Eternal Melody) / Lyrics: Kaito (EastNewSound) 4-12. Touhou Youyoumu / Bloom nobly, Cherry Blossoms of Sumizome ~ Border of Life, Hiroari Shoots a Strange Bird ~ Till When?, Mystic Oriental Dream ~ Ancient Temple Circle: Honeypocket / Arrangement: Honeypocket / Vocals, Lyrics: Aki 4-13. Touhou Youyoumu / Doll Judgment Circle: Marasy / Arrangement: Marasy Published on site: 18th of February, 2025