This file is downloaded from Name: Touhou Compilation CD-BOOK Suiseisou 2 Alternative Titles: 東方compilation CD-BOOK 萃星霜 弐 Touhou Gensokyo ~ Lotus Land Story. Touhou Koumakyou ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. Touhou Youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom. Touhou Suimusou ~ Immaterial and Missing Power. Touhou Eiyashou ~ Imperishable Night. Touhou Bunkachou ~ Shoot the Bullet. Touhou Fuujinroku ~ Mountain of Faith. Touhou Chireiden ~ Subterranean Animism. Touhou Seirensen ~ Undefined Fantastic Object. Touhou Kishinjou ~ Double Dealing Character. Touhou Kanjuden ~ Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom. Touhou Tenkuushou ~ Hidden Star in Four Seasons. Hifuu Nightmare Diary ~ Violet Detector. Year: 2018 Catalog Number: MBCD-0037 Published by: Melonbooks Description: 1.01 Arrange: 埼玉最終兵器 1.02 Arrange/Lyrics/Guitar:  IRON CHINO Vocal: JINN 1.03 Lyrics: 黒岩サトシ (Satoshi Kuroiwa) Arrange: 五条下位 (Kai Gojou) Vocal: 美里 (Misato) Guitar:BB 1.04 Lyrics: Jell Arrange: GCHM Vocal: みぃ Guitar:平茸 1.05 Vocal: yukina Arrange/Lyrics: tomoya 1.06 Lyrics: An Arrange: kaztora Vocal: Ayo Guitar:Nao Kosaka Bass:Pira Drums:まおう 1.07 Lyrics/Vocal: Stack Arrange: DJ ENOCK 1.08 Vocal: nayuta Arrange/Lyrics: RD-Sounds 1.09 Vocal: ランコ Arrange/Lyrics: コンプ 1.10 Lyrics/Vocal: 櫻井アンナ (Anna Sakurai) Arrange: 六弦A助 (Asuke Rokugen) 1.11 Lyrics/Vocal: IZNA Arrange: NSY 1.12 Arrange/Lyrics: 隣人 (Linjin) Vocal: itori 2.01 Arrange: ゆう (PHOENIX Project) Violin: マフルチェ 2.02 Lyrics/Vocal: 空音 (Sorane) Arrange: Ruffnecky 2.03 Lyrics/Vocal: まめみ Arrange: ねっぴ 2.04: Arrange/Lyrics: まろん (IOSYS) Vocal: Koko Kokon (Innocent Key) 2.05 Vocal/Lyrics: めいど Arrange: Pizuya's Cell Drum: hellnian 2.06 Lyrics: さいとうかおり (Kaori Saitou) Arrange: Tsukasa Vocal: 黒崎れおん (Reon Kurosaki) 2.07 Lyrics: 綿來ももや (Momoya Watarai) (P*M3 SQUARE) Arrange: あとぐる & けぇぽん Vocal: 小峠舞 (Mai Kotohge) 2.08 Lyrics/Vocal: 築山さえ (Sae Tsukiyama) Arrange: Tracy 2.09 Lyrics/Vocal: 天宮みや (Miya Amamiya) Arrange: でいたらぼっち 2.10 Lyrics: かませ虎 (Kamase Tora) Vocal: 兎明 (Toa) Arrange: Must Noise 2.11 Lyrics: くまりす Vocal: 花咲あんな (Anna Hanasaki) Arrange: きりん 2.12 Lyrics: Yassie Arrange: ELEMENTAS Vocal: あき Published on site: 24th of January, 2025