This file is downloaded from Name: The Prometheus Secret Noohra Year: 2019 Platforms: Windows Developed by: Ahavah Studio Published by: Ahavah Studio Description: The Prometheus Secret Noohra is a game that will challenge your core and mimics life and our daily battle with shadow. Darkness contains no love and will punish you severely and unfairly with each defeat, to be a light bearer you will need great perseverance and a sharp mind to stay in the light of the Noohra. Surpassing level 1 will be the greatest challenge you will face, however the more you push back against darkness the more light will you start to regain and the easier and more rewarding the game becomes. A unique but challenging single player 2.5D physics puzzle platformer combined with fast-paced card combat. This indie game is dedicated to all those battling their own darkness, struggling to defeat their demons. Noorah, Aramaic for the light of God, along with darkness, plays a major role in the game - not only in the story, but also dictates the mood and design. Published on site: 4th of June, 2024