This file is downloaded from Name: Shape Shifter Year: 2004 Platforms: Windows Developed by: GameHouse Published by: GameHouse, iWin, PlayFirst, RealArcade, Reflexive Entertainment, SpinTop Description: Shape Shifter is a puzzle game with silhouettes and a circus theme. The objective is to drag and drop the shapes from a tray at the bottom of the screen, into their matching contours slots on moving rows at the game field. New lines are added from time to time, piling up on top of each other, and the goal is to complete each one to make them disappear from the game. In the "Beat The Clock" mode, a hourglass at the bottom-left shows the time left to eliminate all the lines. In the Speedster mode, the lines have to be destroyed before they reach the top. Useless shapes can dropped in the discard bin besides the tray, but doing so in the Speedster mode makes new lines appear faster. Some shapes are marked with stars, giving random power-ups after being placed on their correct slots. The powers add some sand to the hourglass, highlight the correct slot for the piece being held, score up to 10,000 extra bonus points and transform all the tray pieces into wildcards. Bonus points are received when adding several shapes of the same type in succession, placing a special switcher piece that keeps changing shape until it's picked up and eliminating lines. Published on site: 14th of March, 2025