This file is downloaded from Name: Secret Numbers Alternative Titles: シークレット・ナンバーズ Touhou Tenkuushou ~ Hidden Star in Four Seasons. Year: 2017 Catalog Number: PSYC-0023 Platforms: Windows Published by: Pizuya's Cell Description: A Comic Market 93 release Event Price: 1000 yen Shop Price: 1300 yen Original Composition ZUN: 01~09 Arrangement Pizuya's Cell: 01~09 Guitar syo: 01~09 Drums hellnian: 02, 08 もやしん: 03, 05, 06, 09 Bass pizuya: 01~09 Keyboard godwood: 01~09 Strings godwood: 01~09 Vocals Futoumeido: 01~06 Lyrics Futoumeido: 01, 02, 05 rudder-k: 03, 04, 06 Vocal Futoumeido at "√ 8 BEAT" Lyrics Tr.01/02/05 Futoumeido at "√ 8 BEAT", Tr.03/04/06 rudder-k at "scorefreq" All Guitar by syo Drums Tr.02 hellnian at "sekken-ya", Tr.03/05/06 もやしん All Bass by pizuya at "Pizuya's Cell" All Keyboard & Strings by godwood at "Pizuya's Cell" All Track Arrangement by Pizuya's Cell All Music Composed by ZUN at "Team Shanghai Alice" All Track Mixed by pizuya at "Pizuya's Cell" All Track Masterd by pizuya at "Pizuya's Cell" Digital Design and Layout by アンダルソ Illustration by Futoumeido at "√ 8 BEAT" ----- Individual track credits 01. カレイドスコープ vocals: Futoumeido lyrics: Futoumeido arrangement: Pizuya's Cell guitar: syo bass: pizuya keyboard: godwood strings: godwood original title: The Concealed Four Seasons source: Touhou Tenkuushou ~ Hidden Star in Four Seasons. 02. Infinite Butterfly vocals: Futoumeido lyrics: Futoumeido arrangement: Pizuya's Cell guitar: syo drums: hellnian bass: pizuya keyboard: godwood strings: godwood original title: A Star of Hope Rises in the Blue Sky source: Touhou Tenkuushou ~ Hidden Star in Four Seasons. 03. ホワイトディスタンス vocals: Futoumeido lyrics: rudder-k arrangement: Pizuya's Cell guitar: syo drums: もやしん bass: pizuya keyboard: godwood strings: godwood original title: Illusionary White Traveler source: Touhou Tenkuushou ~ Hidden Star in Four Seasons. 04. エレクトリックエンカウンター vocals: Futoumeido lyrics: rudder-k arrangement: Pizuya's Cell guitar: syo bass: pizuya keyboard: godwood strings: godwood original title: Deep-Mountain Encounter source: Touhou Tenkuushou ~ Hidden Star in Four Seasons. 05. Crazy Clumsy Circus vocals: Futoumeido lyrics: Futoumeido arrangement: Pizuya's Cell guitar: syo drums: もやしん bass: pizuya keyboard: godwood strings: godwood original title: Crazy Backup Dancers source: Touhou Tenkuushou ~ Hidden Star in Four Seasons. 06. Divine beast vocals: Futoumeido lyrics: rudder-k arrangement: Pizuya's Cell guitar: syo bass: pizuya keyboard: godwood strings: godwood original title: A Pair of Divine Beasts source: Touhou Tenkuushou ~ Hidden Star in Four Seasons. 07. カレイドスコープ -off vox- arrangement: Pizuya's Cell guitar: syo bass: pizuya keyboard: godwood strings: godwood original title: The Concealed Four Seasons source: Touhou Tenkuushou ~ Hidden Star in Four Seasons. 08. Infinite Butterfly -off vox- arrangement: Pizuya's Cell guitar: syo drums: hellnian bass: pizuya keyboard: godwood strings: godwood original title: A Star of Hope Rises in the Blue Sky source: Touhou Tenkuushou ~ Hidden Star in Four Seasons. 09. Crazy Clumsy Circus -off vox- arrangement: Pizuya's Cell guitar: syo drums: もやしん bass: pizuya keyboard: godwood strings: godwood original title: Crazy Backup Dancers source: Touhou Tenkuushou ~ Hidden Star in Four Seasons. Published on site: 16th of February, 2025