This file is downloaded from Name: Radical Destruction Alternative Titles: Touhou Koumakyou ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. Year: 2013 Catalog Number: AMRC-0015 Platforms: Windows Published by: Amateras Records Description: Comiket 84 release. Arrangement by    Tracy (2, 3, 8, 10)    cYsmix (5)    Tomoya [556mm] (1)    MARIN (7)    MiYAMO [Conagusuri] (4)    Amane [Rolling Contact] (6)    cittan* [signum/ii, Sprite Recordings] (9) Vocals by    F9 (1)    Sae Tsukiyama (2, 9)    KUMI (Wotamin) (3)    Hotaru (4, 7)    Emmy (5)    miko [Alternative ending] (6)    Chata [Usagi Kinoko] (8)    Sakuya Kurosaki [T.Piacere] (10) Lyrics by    Kaito [EastNewSound] (1, 3, 6, 7, 10)    M.I.O (2, 4)    Hotaru (8, 9)    Mizuyosi [T.Piacere] (5) Jacket Illustration by Ichiyan. Track origins (All from Touhou Koumakyou ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.): 1. Shanghai Teahouse ~ Chinese Tea 2. Lunate Elf 3. U.N. Owen was her? 4. Tomboyish Girl in Love 5. The Centennial Festival of Magical Girls 6. Apparitions Stalk the Night 7. Locked Girl ~ the Girl's Secret Room 8. Septette for the Dead Princess 9. The Maid and the Pocket Watch of Blood 10. Crimson Tower ~ Eastern Dream... Published on site: 10th of August, 2024