This file is downloaded from Name: Nihilism! Alternative Titles: ニヒリズム! Yousei Daisensou ~ Touhou Sangetsusei Touhou Koumakyou ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. Year: 2011 Catalog Number: N/A Platforms: Windows Published by: Holic Service Description: Arranged by KuKuDoDo (1, 3, 5), Holic Service (2, 4, 6), Niche (7) Vocals by Stitch (1, 6, 7), Gumi (1, 6), Chia (2), Nana Mitani (3), Nayu (4), nanano (5) Track origins: 01. Yousei Daisensou / Great Fairy Wars ~ Fairy Wars 02. Touhou Koumakyou / Lunar Clock ~ Luna Dial 03. Yousei Daisensou / Loose Rain 04. Yousei Daisensou / Magus Night 05. Touhou Koumakyou / Voile, the Magic Library 06. Touhou Koumakyou / A Soul as Red as a Ground Cherry 07. Dolls in Pseudo Paradise [album] / Bichrome Lotus Butterfly ~ Red and White Published on site: 16th of February, 2025