This file is downloaded from Name: Monkey Mischief: Party Time Alternative Titles: Les Singes Farceurs!: 20 Mini-Jeux Affenzirkus!: 20 Spiele Occhio Alla Scimmia!: 20 Giochi Los Monos Locos!: 20 Juegos Year: 2008 Platforms: Wii Developed by: Ivolgamus Published by: Activision Description: Monkey Mischief!: Party Time is a collection of 20 mini-games for up to four players. Four monkeys have escaped from their prison, using a banana to unlock their cell door, and now they cause mischief in a village. Each game only lasts one minute, so different games can be played quickly in succession. The titles are divided into four groups and have to be unlocked gradually. Many games and assets are very identical to the earlier Block Party by the same developer, but now with a monkey theme. Published on site: 20th of September, 2024