This file is downloaded from Name: LIQUID & SPLASH Alternative Titles: LIQUID&SPLASH Year: 2017 Catalog Number: PZTR-0005 Published by: Pizuya's Cell Description: A Comic Market 92 release Event Price: 1000 yen Shop Price: 1300 yen Composition ZUN: 01~08 Arrangement pizuya: 01, 04, 05, 08 ARM: 02 RUON: 03 tanso: 06 Komso: 07 Vocals Futoumeido: 01, 02, 04, 05 Meramipop: 03, 06 Amane: 07 ayaponzu*: 08 Lyrics Komso: 01, 04, 05, 07, 08 rudder-k: 02 Futoumeido: 03, 06 Vocal Tr.01/02/04/05 Futoumeido at "√ 8 BEAT", Tr.03/06 Meramipop at "こすもぽりたん", Tr.07 Amane at "COOL&CREATE", Tr.08 ayaponzu* at "ShinRa-Bansho" Lyrics Tr.01/04/05/07/08 Komso at "komsoya", Tr.02 rudder-k at "scorefreq", Tr.03/06 Futoumeido at "√ 8 BEAT" Track Arrangement Tr.01/04/05/08 pizuya at "Pizuya's Cell", Tr.02 ARM at "IOSYS", Tr.03 RUON at ESQUARIA", Tr.06 tanso at "Sound Square", Tr.07 Komso at "komsoya" All Music Composed byZUN at "Team Shanghai Alice" All Track Masterd bypizuya at "Pizuya's Cell" Digital Design and Layout by アンダルソ Illustration by Futoumeido at "√8 BEAT" ----- Individual track credits 01. Tokimeki Lunar Tour feat. Futoumeido vocals: Futoumeido lyrics: Komso arrangement: pizuya original title: Welcome to the Moon Tour source: Magical Astronomy -ZUN's Music Collection vol.5- 02. withered voice feat. Futoumeido vocals: Futoumeido lyrics: rudder-k arrangement: ARM original title: Welcome to the Moon Tour source: Magical Astronomy -ZUN's Music Collection vol.5- 03. Heart of the Moon feat. Meramipop vocals: Meramipop lyrics: Futoumeido arrangement: RUON original title: Welcome to the Moon Tour source: Magical Astronomy -ZUN's Music Collection vol.5- 04. F.A.S.S. feat. Futoumeido vocals: Futoumeido lyrics: Komso arrangement: pizuya original title: The Gensokyo That Floats in Outer Space source: Trojan Green Asteroid -ZUN's Music Collection vol.6- 05. Quality Of Liqueur feat. Futoumeido vocals: Futoumeido lyrics: Komso arrangement: pizuya original title: The Darkness Brought In by Swallowstone Naturalis Historia source: Dateless Bar "Old Adam". -ZUN's Music Collection vol.9- 06. The Journey of 53 minutes feat. Meramipop vocals: Meramipop lyrics: Futoumeido arrangement: tanso original title: Blue Sea of 53 Minutes source: Retrospective 53 minutes -ZUN's Music Collection vol.4- 07. Black Coffee feat. Amane vocals: Amane lyrics: Komso arrangement: Komso original title: Satellite Café Terrace source: Magical Astronomy -ZUN's Music Collection vol.5- 08. Train of Moebius feat. ayaponzu* vocals: ayaponzu* lyrics: Komso arrangement: pizuya original title: Hiroshige No.36 ~ Neo Super-Express source: Retrospective 53 minutes -ZUN's Music Collection vol.4- Published on site: 16th of February, 2025