This file is downloaded from Name: Elden Ring (The Definitive Soundtrack) Year: 2022 Platforms: PS4, PS5, Windows, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S Developed by: FromSoftware Published by: Bandai Namco Entertainment, FromSoftware Description: -Disc 1: Miscellaneous themes (Main menu, intro, etc) plus ambient area music. -Disc 2: Combat area music plus some optional boss music (e.g. dungeon bosses). -Disc 3: Field boss music plus story boss music. General Notes: -All tracks received a minor ~0.4s silence at the start and ~4s silence at the end to better improve album listenability as all tracks included minimal silence at the start and end in the album release. -Ambient themes sometimes had the 2nd loop begin before fading out abruptly, so looping was removed and a full single loop now plays properly for each track. -Combat tracks consist of the the ambient tracks overlayed by the combat layer with some audio changes and, rarely, a low-pass filter. For the sake of getting the highest quality possible, the album version is used for the ambient layers instead of the gamerip ambient ones. Audio adjustments are done to the layers relative to each other so the total volume of the track will be higher than in-game, which is already the case in the album's ambient tracks. -Naturally, since I edited the ambient tracks, I used the final versions with sample-precise timing to layer the two together. Most combat layers needed endings but I didn't keep track of them so I won't mention it in the list. -Boss music with no seamless transition between phases received better transitions that fit in-line with how FromSoftware usually released such multi-phase soundtracks. ~AbrahamLink Published on site: 30th of November, 2023