This file is downloaded from Name: Down the World: Mervil's Ambition Alternative Titles: ダウン・ザ・ワールド MERVIL'S AMBITION Year: 1994 Platforms: SNES Developed by: ASCII Published by: ASCII Description: Down the World is an RPG that shares many elements with other titles within the genre of its era. The field screen is presented in a top-down perspective and each overworld map has various points of interest. Towns can be visited for gathering information, purchasing items and equipment, or initiating quests. Dungeons can be explored to discover treasure and key items for advancing the story. The game features unique navigation options that allow the player to automatically move the player character Gao in a specific direction until he hits an obstacle, move him along walls, or revisit a previously discovered location. Published on site: 29th of August, 2019