This file is downloaded from Name: Anarchy Online Music Collection Vol.01 Year: 2017 Platforms: Windows Published by: Funcom Description: Welcome to the first volume of 2017 "Anarchy Online Music Collection", It's a revised version of the 2001 "Original Soundtrack" (vol. 01), shortened by a few tracks already present in next volume, enlarged by a new opening and the music from an episode of AO "Animated Series". This playlist is mostly dedicated to Rubi-Ka ambiences. Most of the music in Anarchy Online is understated and atmospheric, composed to blend in perfectly with the environmental sound-effects and the visuals. Everything, from the lush sweep of the ocean, through the dark and mechanical jungle of Omni-1, to the quiet serenity of the forest, is a direct result of how the sounds and images inspired us, made us feel. It was designed to be interactive: close to 1400 five to ten second segments of music are pieced together on the fly when you play the game. As such, there are no original versions of these tracks, but what you hear on this compilation can be thought of as a Composer's Cut of the music. The Omni-Tek, Clan and main themes, however, are all linear compositions, unique to the release. First of all I would like to acknowledge the people who continue to remind us of the appreciation of our work on Anarchy Online and its expansions - you. For most of us who have worked on the project, life goes on, new projects arrive, and soon it becomes just another one of those stories about that time you worked on AO. The process of digging through old material, listening to some of the music again for the first time in over a decade is certainly something of a nostalgic exercise. While listening to some older and more obscure tracks, I found myself wondering who composed it, knowing in the back of my mind that it was me, but still not remembering working on it. It also reminded me that having many composers on the project really added a lot to the diversity of the music as well. I guess that the main thing about this release is that it gives everyone who has ever played Anarchy Online the opportunity to go back and remember specific areas, events and times they themselves experienced while playing the game. It's always great to go back and remember fun times of the past! [Bjørn Arve Lagim] Music: M. Sørlie, T. Linløkken, B.A. Lagim Published on site: 29th of March, 2024